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Thai Stamp Shop - Beautiful Thailand Stamp for Sale. Siam Stamp Exchange Country - A ALGERIA OUANDJLI Hocine

Collector Profile of OUANDJLI Hocine

 Member no. 05189     Registered Date : 2017-04-03    Actived Date : 2021-02-06 15:11:29  
Name : OUANDJLI Hocine
Address : B.P 45 Askri Ahcéne / Oued Koriche Alger
DZ - 16068
Country : ALGERIA OUANDJLI   Hocine is a collector from ALGERIA
Want : Mint stamp in full sets, M/sheets, Sheetlets, FDC's & philelic items, Covers and Polar Covers with special postmarks.
Offer : Mint stamp in full sets, M/Sheets, FDC's ...from Algeria, France, Deutchland & some african countries
Remarks : Prefers hand - stamped Covers.
SC 02989 
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Click here to see the email of OUANDJLI Hocine

   Share your experience trading with OUANDJLI Hocine (Only members can post the experience)

Message.1 : Did you want swap with me.regards
By : Harold Rodriguez peraza   Date : 2023-11-24 00:55:56

Message.2 : Cher Monsieur, je vous propose d'échanger timbres de France 2022 contre idem Algérie sur base : même valeur faciale . Neuf et / ou sur lettre . Bonne soirée, Frédéric MAZEL .
By : PARDANAUD Maryse   Date : 2022-12-08 23:53:32

Message.3 : : Hello dear friend I 'm interested in swapping stamps with you mint full set or used stamps ' if that's possible please send me your address Regards Dr.Elnayef
By : Elnayef   Date : 2022-05-25 05:41:34

Message.4 : Hi Hocine . See my last message : Message.8 : Hi , Hocine , Yes I can provide you many topics MNH complete sets from w/w.. I am interesting in Algeria 1926 - 1960. and in many Africa formely French Colonies , 1900 - 1960 . Waiting your proposal and reply Best regards George What you need from me ? I do not have coversand FDC , but mint MNH , yes I have .
By : George Savulescu   Date : 2021-05-27 15:28:17

Message.5 : Sorry for the late reply. I'm only interested in the first day cover with bird stamps and bird stamps /full sets/around the world. Instead, I can send stamps and covers on topics of interest to you. Thanks.
By : Zolbayar Lovor   Date : 2021-04-25 22:18:22

Message.6 : Hello,in the your ad you not tell by who catalog you exchange mint-MNH stamps? By cat.Michel,cat.Scott or Best regards: Grigor (from Bulgaria)
By : Grigor Kutev   Date : 2021-04-09 22:51:13

Message.7 : Hello, thank you for proposal, I am interested in MNH Germany and France which you mentioned in your ad. Regards, D.
By : Dmitriy   Date : 2021-04-09 01:32:04

Message.8 : Hello hocine I am looking for stamps around the world accepting exchange with me
By : Hamidouche daoudi   Date : 2021-01-13 09:19:18

Message.9 : Hello Thank you for your offer to exchange stamps but, for Algeria, I am looking for, with a wantlist of used stamps that I exchange for used stamps: are you still interested? See you soon Guy
By : Barbé Guy   Date : 2020-12-17 03:02:56

Message.10 : Hello, thank you for proposal. I am interested in MNH recent issues. Also in other countries. You can send me email message for details.
By : Dmytro   Date : 2020-12-16 00:41:21

Message.11 : I can send you maxim cards of Portugal, Açores and Madere. Also sheets. All mnh. Regards, Mário
By : Mário Bruges Ramos   Date : 2020-10-03 19:01:19

Message.12 : Hi , Hocine , Yes I can provide you many topics MNH complete sets from w/w.. I am interesting in Algeria 1926 - 1960. and in many Africa formely French Colonies , 1900 - 1960 . Waiting your proposal and reply Best regards George
By : George Cpt   Date : 2020-10-02 04:12:48

Message.13 : Yes I´m interested, but your e-mail is innassessible. thanks
By : Mário Bruges Ramos   Date : 2020-04-14 00:05:47

Message.14 : your e-mail is not active. how can we contacte? Thanks
By : Mário Bruges Ramos   Date : 2020-04-13 22:19:49

Message.15 : Sorry I am not intereste
By : Christine Hubbard   Date : 2019-09-10 05:52:30

Message.16 : Hi. I do not see any reference so if we agree then you will have to send first. For my references check my profile at TRADEONLYSTAMPS. Thanks
By : Enver Baker   Date : 2019-03-21 19:11:55

Message.17 :
By : OUANDJLI Hocine   Date : 2019-03-21 17:55:25

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