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Thai Stamp Shop - Beautiful Thailand Stamp for Sale. Siam Stamp Exchange Country - R ROMANIA Constantin Dinescu

Collector Profile of Constantin Dinescu

 Member no. 06373     Registered Date : 2023-01-17    Actived Date : 2023-01-17 22:14:26  
Name : Constantin Dinescu
Address : Tell you later
Country : ROMANIA Constantin Dinescu is a collector from ROMANIA
Want : Every postage stamp
Offer : Romanian FDC and stamps
Remarks : Tell you later
SC 00915 
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   Share your experience trading with Constantin Dinescu (Only members can post the experience)

Message.1 : Hello, would you like to exchange MNH stamps with Pakistan ones. I can send you Pakistan mint recent stamps. I need MNH stamps on UPU 2024, 75 years of UN 2020, Dialog among civilization 2001. Hope to have positive response.
By : Wajid Ali   Date : 2025-01-30 15:36:07

Message.2 : Constantinjust received a packet of mint stamps from you posted in 2022 Are these from a swap I sent to you or are you waiting a package froI me I cannot make your address out
By : Dennis Foster   Date : 2024-11-07 21:25:45

Message.3 : Hola me gustaria intercambiar sellos 100 españa del año 2000 en adelante 100 rumania del año 2000 en adelante ya me dices gracias
By : Gloster100   Date : 2024-10-27 02:22:12

Message.4 : Dear sir: I have read your ad in the siamstampexchange web page, and I am intereste din an exchange. For you, I have a lot of Spanish stamps: used definitives 1900-90, used commemoratives 1960-85, MNH 1980-2000 and 2015-24 and some from other periods. i also have many used from Western Europe 1950-80, some from European colonies and South America, and some others. If you tell me your wishes, maybe I can help you. For me, I have a big wantlist from Roamnia until 1948. i use Yvert catalogue, but I can do it again with pictures. In addition, I can add pictures of many stamps ater 1990. I send attached my wantlist. If you are interested, please let me know, and I hope we can make good exchanges. Best regards from Spain. Juan Pablo
By : Juan Pablo   Date : 2024-06-01 22:53:39

Message.5 : Hi Constantin Thank you for responding to my advert. However at this stage i am only looking at exchanging with collectors within Australia. However if I do change this and exchange with fellow collectors around the world I will contact you again. Best regards David
By : David   Date : 2023-09-08 17:30:57

Message.6 : Hello,I collect used stamps from all over the world (I don't collect FDCs, mint stamps, phone cards, calendars) until 2000. I have the Yvert catalog, but I often use the Stampworld catalog. Exchange 1 for 1, complete series x complete series, or by agreements. I would be interested in expanding my collection of Romania. I can offer complete sets and single stamps mostly used, but I also have mint ones.. I look forward to your reply. Best regards from Venice - Italy
By : Dionisio Desiderà   Date : 2023-07-31 05:26:13

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